Administration Services

The good functioning of any company requires an administrative area that operates well, although it is often mistakenly considered as an area with little added value. A well-managed administrative area contributes to the development of the company, supporting the management of other areas and contributing to the achievement of the company’s objectives.

In the administration area we offer the following services:

  • Execution of administrative tasks.
  • Preparation of treasury forecasts.
  • Customer portfolio management.
  • Supplier portfolio management.
  • Treasury management.
  • Preparation of payslips.
  • Elaboration of timesheets.
  • Payments to the CASS (Andorran Social Security).
  • Management of affiliations, cessations and modifications to the CASS.

We can also offer these services in the case that our customer has a subsidiary in Spain, adapting to Spanish regulations:

  • Elaboration of payslips.
  • Payments in TGSS (Spanish Social Security).
  • Management of affiliations, cessations and modifications to the TGSS.
  • Elaboration and presentation of withholding tax.
  • Elaboration of labour contracts.


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