Founding partner
Esther holds a degree in Economics and Business Sciences, specializing in Economics, from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, and was awarded a diploma in Business Sciences from the same university.
She completed her formal education with a master’s degree in Applied Economic Analysis from the Institut d’Educació Contínua (IDEC) of Barcelona.
Once she became a student on the master’s course she started her professional career as part of a leading banking entity in Spain, although she considers her incorporation into the Grup d’Aigües de Barcelona as the real start to her career. From early days there she took on national responsibilities, drawing up bids for public tenders, leading projects to open new offices and forming teams throughout Spain.
After this first contact, albeit indirectly, with the public administration, she went to work in the Department of Interior of the Government of Catalonia, where she was responsible for the analysis of the budgetary control of the Mossos d’Esquadra, Fire Service and Civil Protection, for the elaboration and monitoring of the system of tariffs of the telecommunication services, as well as of the cost-benefit analysis of the statutory regulations.
Her desire to expand her knowledge and professional horizons led to a new professional leap, returning to private enterprise but at an international level. She went on to work for a multinational in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector, BIOIBÉRICA, SA, the world’s leading producer of chondroitin sulfate. Initially, as the person in charge of Treasury and Accounting, both for the parent company and its subsidiaries, she took on important challenges such as the centralization and optimization of the group’s treasury, the homogenization of accounting information and the development of international tax planning.
In a second stage, she contributed her knowledge and skills to the purchasing department of the multinational, developing different functions. She was responsible for the supply of raw materials for the production of chondroitin sulfate in all the production plants of the group (Spain, United States and Brazil); being responsible for the creation, commissioning and daily follow-up of a new production plant in Brazil; responsible for the daily follow-up of the two production plants in the United States; and participated in the development project of the Chinese subsidiary, and in the project to expand the productive capacity of the group.
After a few years of business trips and moves around the world, she decides to take advantage of all the experience and knowledge acquired to give a boost to the family business, real estate promotion in Catalonia, where she took on different tasks in all the departments.
At this point, a personal change comes about that brings her to the Principality of Andorra. Once established in the country, she becomes part of one of the most important companies in the country and one which has an international presence, PAS GRAU INTERNACIONAL, SA, a subsidiary company of SAETDE, acting as controller of the Andorran parent company and its subsidiaries established in Spain, France, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Greenland.